The Internet is full of wonderful resources and ideas for teaching. Blogs–just like this one–are numerous, some with wonderful insights and helpful information, and others with nothing original or worthwhile to say. It can be difficult to unclutter the chaos of words.
This page is my attempt to curate online publications that I find useful or worth reading, and which further strengthen the message and urgency of having teachers reclaim the three powers: professional agency, adventurous failure, and digital engagement. I will add a new uncluttered source every week. Sometimes, it might be a blog, or an event, or a resource.
All uncluttered posts will outline several pieces of information for you: 1) it’s purpose; 2) some key takeaways, and 3) any concerns I may have about it.
As I inaugurate this website, only one uncluttered source appears below. Eventually, this curated collection will grow and change because the web is a dynamic place.